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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Earlier this year I posted a port of the CSS minifier from YUI Compressor, Yahoo's java-based library that reduces CSS and JavaScript resources with a measurable advantage over other similar tools. I made plans to port the JavaScript compressor as well, which is known for its ability to rename inner function variables, but could not find the time, as the task would involve porting the entire JavaScript parser used to decompile the JavaScript and perform the refactoring.

Thanks to Justin Adler, the entire YUI Compressor is now available as an open source, native C# project! Justin has leveraged the ECMAScript.NET project to bridge the parser gap, and bring YUI's JavaScript compression to .NET. He has also tossed in full MSBUILD support for those who prefer static over dynamic script compression. If you're looking for the best resource minification in your next project, check out Justin's YUI Compressor for .NET on CodePlex.