:::: MENU ::::

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In SQL Server you can specify a column as an Identity column (ColumnName int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL) to have SQL Server automatically set the value of this column upon insert by incrementing a seed value.  This works great but I have run into situations where I wanted to change what identity value is assigned during the next insert. 

What had happened is that this table in question had the primary key column set as an Identity column.  There were only a couple thousand rows in the table but SQL Server was handing out identity values in the 10-million range.  In most cases this would not be a big deal, but for this table the identity value was actually used by customers so a eight digit number was not as easy to remember and repeat as a 4-digit number. 

What had happened is that a row had been inserted into the table with a high identity value (over 10 million) and then SQL Server took over from there and handed out new identity values that were incremented from that number – 23000001, 23000002, 23000003, etc...

To fix this, I was able to change the seed of the Identity field by using a DBCC CHECKIDENT statement.

You can use this DBCC CHECKIDENT statement to check the current identity value:


And then you can use this DBCC CHECKIDENT statement to change the identity value to another value:

DBCC CHECKIDENT('table_name', RESEED, 2300)

After making this change new records inserted into the table now were assigned 4-digit values and were much easier for customers to remember and use.


Monday, September 14, 2009

MSBuildShellExtension lets you build .NET projects without ever opening Visual Studio or the command prompt. MSBuild targets can be executed from your favourite file system tool like Windows Explorer or Total Commander. The possibility to extend MSBuildShellExtension with your own targets and editors, makes it a very flexible and useful tool for all .NET developers.

Friday, September 11, 2009

0. Know your Keybindings! All these are in the General Development Settings.


1. How to behold the power of incremental search


Command: Edit.IncrementalSearch

Shortcut: Ctrl+i

2. Ctrl+F3 to search for currently-selected word


Command: Edit.FindNextStatement

3. F3 to search for last thing you searched for


Command: Edit.FindNext

4. Customize what files to find in


Find In Files – Look in – Choose Search Folders

5. You can use a reg hack for customizing search results


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Find String Find=$f$e($l,$c):$t\r\n


6. How not to accidentally copy a blank line


Tools – Options – Text Editor – All Languages – General, Uncheck Apply cut or copy to blank lines

7. How to cycle through the Clipboard ring


Command: Edit.CycleClipboardRing

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+v

8. How to use box/column selection in the editor


Command: Edit.LineUpColumnExtend, Edit.LineDownColumnExtend, Edit.CharRightColumnExtend, Edit.CharLeftColumnExtend

Shortcut: Shift+Alt+Arrow

9. You can copy a file’s full path / open windows explorer from the file tab channel


Command: File.CopyFullPath

10. Drag and drop code onto the toolbox’s general tab


11. You can use Ctrl+. to show a smart tag


Command: View.ShowSmartTag

12. You can insert a snippet by pressing Tab Tab


Type in snippet shortcut, then press Tab Tab


13. You can create temp or throw away projects


Tools - Options - Projects and Solutions - General, uncheck Save new projects when created

14. Change text editor font size via keyboard (Accessibility macros)


Command: Macros.Samples.Accessibility.DecreaseTextEditorFontSize

Command: Macros.Samples.Accessibility.IncreaseTextEditorFontSize

15. How to open a file without any UI


Ctrl+/ (or whatever Tools.GoToCommandLine is bound to)

alias fo file.openfile

fo <filename>

16. Guidelines in the editor registry key hack


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Text Editor  String RBG(128,0,0) 5, 20

17. You can create a macro for your import/export settings – see http://blog.jeffhandley.com/archive/2009/03/31/vs-profiles.aspx


18. How to not show the start page (or have the last loaded solution open)


Tools - Options - Environment - Startup, At Startup

19. File tab channel registry hack


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0 key, you can create a DWORD UseMRUDocOrdering = 1

20. How to show Misc Files Project to keep your files around


tools - options - environment – documents, show miscellaneous files in Solution Explorer

21. Edit project file from within IDE (unload project)

Unload project, edit project, reload project


22. You can use tracepoints to log stuff in your code


Right-click in indicator margin, select breakpoints, select Insert Tracepoint

23. How to get the find source dialog back


Solution Properties, under Common Properties - Debug Source Files, Delete Do no look for these source files edit box contents

24. You can disable the exception assistant


Tools – Options – Debugging – General, uncheck Enable the Exception Assistant

25. You can use the XML Visualizer


Drop down the little down arrow on the data tip or in the watch window.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To test the tools which we develop on the team, at times I need to build a website and publish it. I use a simple way of publishing websites from the command line that saves me a LOT of time so thought I would share it.

Launch notepad and copy paste the code below and save it as Publish.cmd file. Run visual studio command prompt (as administrator) and run the publish.cmd.


   1: @ECHO OFF

   2: set WEB_ROOT=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mytestsite

   3: set PROJECT_ROOT=D:\Source\website


   5: echo Publishing site %PROJECT_ROOT% to %WEB_ROOT%


   7: del /S /Q %WEB_ROOT%\*.* || goto Error

   8: rmdir /S /Q %WEB_ROOT%\ || goto Error

   9: aspnet_compiler -p "%PROJECT_ROOT%" /v /commercesite /d "%WEB_ROOT%" || goto Error


  11: goto Success

  12: :Error

  13: echo Site was not published


  15: goto End


  17: :Success

  18: echo Site published successfully


  20: :End

If there aren’t any errors the site will be published successfully as shown below

Publishing site D:\Source\website to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mytestsite Utility to precompile an ASP.NET application
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Site published successfully

Modify the above script parameters appropriately to publish your site successfully!


Building a connection string from scratch can sometimes be a little daunting when you do not know the exact syntax. Of course, you can always visit www.connectionstrings.com and find some great help there. In lieu of this you can also use the ConnectionStringBuilder class. Each of the ADO.NET providers supplies a version of this class that will build a connection string for you. Below is an example of how to use this class.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Private Sub CreateConnectionString()
  Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder

  builder.DataSource = "(local)"
  builder.InitialCatalog = "Northwind"
  builder.UserID = "user1"
  builder.Password = "P@ssw0rd"

End Sub

using System.Data.SqlClient;

private void CreateConnectionString()
  SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

  builder.DataSource = "(local)";
  builder.InitialCatalog = "Northwind";
  builder.UserID = "user1";
  builder.Password = "P@ssw0rd";


This is a pretty easy class to use. You can just fill in the basic information such as the DataSource, InitialCatalog, the UserId and Password and it will create a connection string for you. The output from the above code will be: "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=user1;Password=p@ssword".

To add on additional keywords for your connection string you may use the Add method. This method takes the keyword and the value and will add them in the appropriate format to your connection string.

As mentioned, each ADO.NET data provider supplies one of these classes. For example, if you are using Oracle, you would use the System.Data.OracleClient namespace, then use the OracleConnectionStringBuilder.

The ConnectionStringBuilder class allows you to parse the individual elements of a connection string and put them into the corresponding properties in the ConnectionStringBuilder. In the following example you take an existing connection string like the one shown in the code below and place it into the ConnectionString property of the ConnectionStringBuilder. The ConnectionStringBuilder will then break it into the appropriate properties.

Private Sub ParseConnectionString()
  Dim cnn As String
  Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder

  cnn = "Server=Localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=user1;Password=P@ssw0rd"

  builder.ConnectionString = cnn

End Sub

private void ParseConnectionString()
  string cnn;
  SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

  cnn = "Server=Localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=user1;Password=P@ssw0rd";

  builder.ConnectionString = cnn;


So the next time you have a connection string that you wish to extract the elements from, or you need to build a connection string, consider using the ConnectionStringBuilder class. I would not recommend using this in a production application as I can't imagine that the performance would be that great, but for figuring out a connection string, this works great.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Most of the time (If not all) when working on the project we view the website with the help of localhost in debugging mode. Many a times when working on some modules, for solving small problem, we want to write some code that should execute only when running in the localhost or debugging environment.

Normally developers would write the code and then take it as their responsibility to remove the code before the code goes to the next environment. But some time we might make a mistake of not removing the code and letting it go to the next environment, which can cause a lots of trouble.

In these kinds of circumstances and Asp.Net developer can take help of the IsLocal method of the Request class. The method will return true in case the application is running from localhost.

If (Request.IsLocal)


To know if the application is running in the debugging mode, we can use the

If (HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
// Do task that should execute only when Application is running in debugging mode.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some programming situations require you to use Dynamic SQL. Of course the problem with using Dynamic SQL is that this can lead to SQL Injection attacks. However, you can avoid these problems, by just changing how you submit Dynamic SQL to your back end database.

To illustrate this, consider the sample table of users listed below.

Login char(16) not null primary key,
Password varchar(20) not null
INSERT INTO User values('PSheriff', 'password')
INSERT INTO User values('Keng', 'password')

You can copy and paste the above SQL code into your database management system and create this table. After you have created this table, you might create a login screen and use some code like the following to see if the users are in the User table.

Private Sub BADLoginCode()
 Dim sql As String
 Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
 Dim rows As Integer

 sql = " SELECT Count(*) As TotalRows FROM User "
 sql &= " WHERE Login = '" & txtLogin.Text & "'"
 sql &= " AND Password = '" & txtPassword.Text & "'"

 cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql)
 cmd.Connection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(AppConfig.ConnectString)

 rows = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())

 If rows > 0 Then
 End If
End Sub

The problem with the above code is if a hacker where to type in the following into the Login ID field;

' OR 1=1 DELETE FROM Users --

Then the resulting SQL that is submitted to the back end database is the following:

SELECT Count(*) As TotalRows
WHERE Login = '' OR 1=1
AND Password = ''

As you can see this will not only allow the user into the application, but will also delete all other users in the system! This is not a good thing.

However, with just a very minor change to this code, you can protect yourself against this type of attack. Just like when calling a stored procedure you use Parameters on the command object to submit the login id and password to the input parameters, you can do the same type of coding with dynamic SQL.

Private Sub LoginGood()
 Dim sql As String
 Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
 Dim rows As Integer

 sql = " SELECT Count(*) As TotalRows FROM User "
 sql &= " WHERE Login = @sLogin "
 sql &= " AND Password = @sPassword"

 cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql)
 cmd.Connection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(AppConfig.ConnectString)
 cmd.Parameters.Add(New _
   SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Login", SqlDbType.Char))
 cmd.Parameters.Add(New _
   SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.Char))
 cmd.Parameters.Item("@Login").Value = txtLogin.Text
 cmd.Parameters.Item("@Password").Value = txtPassword.Text

 rows = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())
 If rows > 0 Then
 End If
End Sub

Notice the use of the Parameters in the dynamic SQL. When you now run this code, the command object and the parameters ensure that no SQL injection attacks will affect your code.