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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Today at Build 2016 we released the final version of Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. This release includes everything we shared in the Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 CTP release, as well as Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 RC.
Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 has focused on improving performance and reliability and addressing your feedback. Some key scenarios where we have improved performance and responsiveness include time for Visual Studio to start when extensions are installed, time it takes to shut down Visual Studio, NuGet performance, opening Team Explorer to browse work item queries within Visual Studio, and working in Visual Studio while experiencing network connectivity issues. If you look in the release notes, you’ll see a complete list of improvements to performance and reliability.
We have also added a handful of key features. A few that I’d like to highlight are:
  • Extension auto-update now supports many more extension types. With this feature you no longer have to manually update your extensions, but you still have full control over your extensions under Tools>Options.
  • Improvements to git support including new git commands (reset), large file storage, and a flag in the status bar to show the git branch status.
  • Universal Windows Platform Tools enable you to select both the version of Windows SDK to target as well as the minimum OS version on which your app should be available. Additionally, you can now debug background tasks, and cache your application name and package configuration to reuse without signing in.
  • Developer Analytics Tools, formerly known as Application Insights Tools, have updates to the search experience making it easier to go back and forward in history and search related telemetry. With these tools, you can now easily add Application Insights in your web apps and HockeyApp in your mobile apps. We have also streamlined the experience to configure collection of traces from logging frameworks like log4net, NLog, and System.Diagnostics.
  • Python Tools for Visual Studio 2.2.3 provides editing, IntelliSense, debugging, profiling, and Azure functionality for Python, and this update now supports template IntelliSense and debugging for the latest versions of Django.
  • Node.js Tools 1.2 Alpha supports Node.js v6.x, has improved support for ES6 IntelliSense engine including support for NPM packages, JsDoc comments, and has fixes in place for increased stability, performance, and improved reliability while debugging.
  • Azure SDK 2.9 has additional support for secondary App Services and also includes some bug fixes. For details on the download and documentation take a look at Azure Developer Tools page.
  • Visual Studio Designer for Microsoft Band allows you to create tiles for Microsoft Band. Drag and drop elements into a visual layout of a Microsoft Band and generate code easily, for C# developers. Visit http://developer.microsoftband.com/ for more information.
As always, we welcome your feedback. For problems, let us know via the Report a Problem option in Visual Studio. For suggestions, let us know through UserVoice.
Hosting your own NuGet Server, particularly when you're a company or even a small workgroup is a super useful thing. It's a great way to ensure that the build artifacts of each team are NuGet Packages and that other teams are consuming those packages, rather than loose DLLs.
A lot of folks (myself included a minute ago) don't realize that Visual Studio Team Services also offers private NuGet Feeds for your team so that's pretty sweet. But I wanted to try out was setting up my own quick NuGet Server. I could put it on a web server in my closet or up in Azure.
There are several third-party NuGet Servers available that make remote private feeds easy to configure and set-up, including Visual Studio Team Services, MyGet, Inedo's ProGet, JFrog's Artifactory, NuGet Server, and Sonatype's Nexus. See An Overview of the NuGet Ecosystem to learn more about these options.


Starting with NuGet 3.3 you can just use a local folder and it can host a hierarchical NuGet feed. So I head out to the command line, and first make sure NuGet is up to date.
C:\Users\scott\Desktop>nuget update -self
Checking for updates from https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/.
Currently running NuGet.exe 3.3.0.
NuGet.exe is up to date.
Then I'll make a folder for my "local server" and then go there and run "nuget init source dest" where "source" is a folder I have full of *.nupkg" files.
This command adds all the packages from a flat folder of nupkgs to the destination package source in a hierarchical layout as described below. The following layout has significant performance benefits, when performing a restore or an update against your package source, compared to a folder of nupkg files.
There's two ways to run a "remote feed" handled by a Web Server, rather than a "local feed" that's just a file folder or file share. You can use NuGet.Server *or* run your own internal copy of the NuGet Gallery. The gallery is nice for large multi-user setups or enterprises. For small teams or just yourself and your CI (continuous integration) systems, use NuGet.Server.


From Visual Studio, make an empty ASP.NET Web Application using the ASP.NET 4.x Empty template.

Then, go to References | Manage NuGet Packages and find NuGet.Server and install it. You'll get all the the dependencies you need and your Empty Project will fill up! If you see a warning about overwriting web.config, you DO want the remote web.config so overwrite your local one.

Next, go into your Web.config and note the packagesPath that you can set. I used C:\LocalNuGet. Run the app and you'll have a NuGet Server!

Since my NuGet.Server is pulling from C:\LocalNuGet, as mentioned before I can take a folder filled with NuPkg files (flat) and import them with:
nuget init c:\source c:\localnuget
I can also set an API key in the web.config (or have none if I want to live dangerously) and then have my automated build push NuGet packages into my server like this:
nuget push {package file} -s http://localhost:51217/nuget {apikey}
Again, as a reminder, while you can totally do this and it's great for some enterprises, there are lots of hosted NuGet servers out there. MyGet runs on Azure, for example, and VSO/TFS also supports creating and hosting NuGet feeds.
Aside: Some folks have said that they tried NuGet.Server (again, that's the small server, not the full gallery) a few years ago and found it didn't scale or it was slow. This new version uses the Expanded Folder Format and adds significant caching, so if you've only see the "folder full of flat nupkg files" version, then you should try out this new one! It's version 2.10+. How much faster is it? First request to /nuget (cold start, no metadata cache) before was 75.266 sec and after is 8.482 sec!
The main point is that if you've got an automated build system then you really should be creating NuGet packages and publishing them to a feed. If you're consuming another group's assemblies, you should be consuming versioned packages from their feeds. Each org makes packages and they flow through the org via a NuGet server.
Important! If you are using a Network Share with NuGet.Server, make sure you have the newest version because this file folder structure can give you MAJOR performance improvements!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

In this article I take a similar approach, except with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. The key difference in my approach is that I’m testing it from a .NET 4.6 CSPROJ file rather than an ASP.NET Core project. This emphasizes the fact that .NET Core is available for you to consider using immediately—even if you haven’t migrated to ASP.NET Core projects.
Logging? Why on earth do we need a new logging framework? We already have NLog, Log4Net, Loggr, Serilog and the built-in Microsoft.Diagnostics.Trace/Debug/TraceSource, just to name a few. As it turns out, the fact that there are so many logging frameworks is actually one of the driving factors that make Microsoft.Exten­sions.Logging relevant. As a developer faced with the myriad of choices, you’re likely to select one knowing you might have to switch to another one later. Therefore, you’re probably tempted to write your own logging API wrapper that invokes whichever particular logging framework you or your company chooses this week. Similarly, you might use one particular logging framework in your application, only to find that one of the libraries you’re leveraging is using another, causing you to have to write a listener that takes the messages from one to the other.
What Microsoft is providing with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging is that wrapper so everyone doesn’t have to write their own. This wrapper provides one set of APIs that are then forwarded to a provider of your choosing. And, while Microsoft includes providers for things like the Console (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console), debugging (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug), the event log (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog) and TraceSource (Microsoft.Estensions.Logging.TraceSource), it has also collaborated with the various logging framework teams (including third parties like NLog, Serilog, Loggr, Log4Net and more) so that there are Microsoft.Extensions.Logging compatible providers from them, too.

Getting Started

The root of the logging activity begins with a log factory, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 How to Use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
public static void Main(string[] args = null)
  ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory()
  ILogger logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger();
    "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.");
As the code demonstrates, to begin you instantiate a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory, which implements ILoggerFactory in the same namespace. Next, you specify which providers you want to utilize by leveraging the extension method of ILoggerFactory. In Figure 1, I specifically use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ConsoleLoggerExtensions.AddConsole and Microsoft.Extensions.Log­ging.DebugLoggerFactoryExtensions.AddDebug. (Although the classes are both in the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging namespace, they’re actually found in the Microsoft.Extensions.Log­ging.Console and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug NuGet packages, respectively.) 
The extension methods are simply convenient shortcuts for the more general way to add a provider—ILoggerFactory.AddProvider­(ILoggerProvider provider). The shortcut is that the AddProvider method requires an instance of the log provider—likely one whose constructor requires a log-level filter expression—while the extension methods provide defaults for such expressions. For example, the constructor signature for ConsoleLoggerProvider is:
public ConsoleLoggerProvider(Func<string, LogLevel, bool> filter,
  bool includeScopes);
This first parameter is a predicate expression that allows you to define whether a message will appear in the output based on the value of the text logged and the log level.
For example, you could call AddProvider with a specific Console­LoggerProvider instance that was constructed from a filter of all messages higher (more significant) than LogLevel.Information:
  new ConsoleLoggerProvider(
    (text, logLevel) => logLevel >= LogLevel.Verbose , true));
(Interestingly, unlike the extension methods that return an ILoggerFactory, AddProvider returns void—preventing the fluid type syntax shown in Figure 1.)
It’s important to be cognizant that, unfortunately, there’s some inconsistency between log providers as to whether a high log-level value is more or less significant. Does a log level of 6 indicate a critical error occurred or is it just a verbose diagnostic message?  Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel uses high values to indicate higher priority with the following LogLevel enum declaration:
public enum LogLevel
  Debug = 1,
  Verbose = 2,
  Information = 3,
  Warning = 4,
  Error = 5,
  Critical = 6,
  None = int.MaxValue
Therefore, by instantiating a ConsoleLoggerProvider that writes messages only when the logLevel >= LogLevel.Verbose, you’re excluding only Debug-level messages from being written to the output.
Note that you can add multiple providers to the log factory, even multiple providers of the same type. Therefore, if I add an invocation of ILoggerFactory.AddProvider to Figure 1, a call to ILogger.LogInformation would display a message on the console twice. The first console provider (the one added by AddConsole) defaults to displaying anything LogLevel.Information or higher. However, an ILogger.LogVerbose call would appear only once as only the second provider (added via the AddProvider method) would successfully avoid being filtered out.

Logging Patterns

As Figure 1 demonstrates, the root of all logging begins with a log factory from which you can request an ILogger via the ILoggerFactory.CreateLogger method. The generic type T in this method is to identify the class in which the code executes, so it’s possible to write out the class name in which the logger is writing messages. In other words, by calling loggerFactory.CreateLogger, you essentially initiate a logger specific to the Program class so that each time a message is written, it’s also possible to write the execution context as being within the Program class. Thus, the console output ofFigure 1 is:
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0]
      This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
This output is based on the following:
  • “info” results from the fact that this is a LogInformation method call.
  • “SampleWebConsoleApp.Program” is determined from T.
  • “[0]” is the eventId—a value I didn’t specify so it defaults to 0.
  • “This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.” is the messages argument passed to LogInformation.
Because the value Program indicates class-level context, you’ll likely want to instantiate a different logger instance for each class from which you want to log. For example, if Program creates and calls into a Controller class instance, you’ll want to have a new logger instance within the Controller class that was created via another method call where T is now Controller:
As you may notice, this requires access to the same logger factory instance on which the providers were previously configured. And while it’s conceivable you could pass the logger factory instance into every class from which you want to perform logging, it would quickly become a hassle that would beg for refactoring.
The solution is to save a single static ILoggerFactory as a static property that’s available for all classes when instantiating their object’s specific ILoggger instance. For example, consider adding an ApplicationLogging static class that includes a static ILoggerFactory instance:
public static class ApplicationLogging
  public static ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory {get;} = new LoggerFactory();
  public static ILogger CreateLogger() =>
The obvious concern in such a class is whether the LoggerFactory is thread-safe. And, fortunately, as the AddProvider method shown in Figure 2 demonstrates, it is.
Figure 2 The Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory AddProvider Implementation
public void AddProvider(ILoggerProvider provider)
  lock (_sync)
    _providers = _providers.Concat(new[] { provider }).ToArray();
    foreach (var logger in _loggers)
Because the only data in the ILogger instance is determined from the generic type T, you might argue that each class could have a static ILogger that each class’s object could leverage. However, assuming the programming standard of ensuring thread safety for all static members, such an approach would require concurrency control within the ILogger implementation (which isn’t there by default), and likely result in a significant bottleneck as locks are taken and released. For this reason, the recommendation, in fact, is to have an individual ILogger instance for each instance of a class. The result, therefore, is an ILogger property on each class for which you wish to support logging (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 Adding an ILogger Instance to Each Object That Needs Logging
public class Controller
  ILogger Logger { get; } =
  // ...
  public void Initialize()
    using (Logger.BeginScopeImpl(
      $"=>{ nameof(Initialize) }"))
      Logger.LogInformation("Initialize the data");
      Logger.LogInformation("Initialize the UI");

Understanding Scopes

Frequently, providers support the concept of “scope” such that you could (for example) log how your code traverses a call chain. Continuing the example, if Program invokes a method on a Controller class, that class in turn instantiates its own logger instance with its own context of type T. However, rather than simply displaying a message context of info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0] followed by info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Controller[0], you might wish to log that Program-invoked Controller and possibly even include the method names themselves. To achieve this, you activate the concept of scope within the provider. Figure 3 provides an example within the Initialize method via the invocation of Logger.BeginScopeImpl.
Using the logging pattern while leveraging the scope activation will result in a Program class that might look a little like Figure 4.
Figure 4 An Updated Implementation of Program
public class Program
  static ILogger Logger { get; } =
  public static void Main(string[] args = null)
      "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.");
    using (Logger.BeginScopeImpl(nameof(Main)))
      Logger.LogInformation("Begin using controller");
      Controller controller = new Controller();
      Logger.LogInformation("End using controller");
    Logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, 0, "Shutting Down...", null, null);
The output of Figure 3 combined with Figure 4 is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Console Logging Output with Scopes Included
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0]
      This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0]
      => Main
      Begin using controller
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Controller[0]
      => Main => Initialize
      Initialize the data
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Controller[0]
      => Main => Initialize
      Initialize the UI
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0]
      => Main
      End using controller
info: SampleWebConsoleApp.Program[0]
      Shutting down...
Notice how the scope automatically unwinds to no longer include Initialize or Main. This functionality is provided by the fact that BeginScopeImpl returns an IDisposable instance that automatically unwinds the scope when the using statement calls Dispose.

Leveraging a Third-Party Provider

To make available some of the most prominent third-party logging frameworks, Microsoft collaborated with its developers and ensured there are providers for each. Without indicating a preference, consider how to connect up the NLog framework, as demonstrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Configuring NLog as a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Provider
public class NLogLoggingTests
  ILogger Logger {get;}
    = ApplicationLogging.CreateLogger();
  public void LogInformation_UsingMemoryTarget_LogMessageAppears()
    // Add NLog provider
      new global::NLog.LogFactory(
    // Configure target
    MemoryTarget target = new MemoryTarget();
    target.Layout = "${message}";
      target, global::NLog.LogLevel.Info);
      Message, target.Logs.FirstOrDefault<string>());
Most of this code is well-known to those familiar with NLog. First, I instantiate and configure an NLog target of type NLog.Targets.MemoryTarget. (There are numerous NLog targets and each can be identified and configured in the NLog configuration file, in addition to using configuration code as shown in Figure 6.) Notice that while similar in appearance, the Layout is assigned a literal value of ${message}, not a string interpolated value.
Once added to the LoggerFactory and configured, the code is identical to any other provider code.

Exception Handling

Of course, one of the most common reasons to log is to record when an exception is thrown—more specifically, when the exception is being handled rather than re-thrown or when the exception is entirely unhandled (see bit.ly/1LYGBVS). As you’d expect, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging has specific methods for handling an exception. Most such methods are implemented in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions as extension methods to ILogger. And, it’s from this class that each method specific to a particular log level (ILogger.LogInformation, ILogger.LogDebug, ILogger.LogCritical and so forth) is implemented. For example, if you want to log a LogLevel.Critical message regarding an exception (perhaps before gracefully shutting down the application), you’d call:
  new InvalidOperationException("Yikes..."));
Another important aspect of logging and exception handling is that logging, especially when handling exceptions, should not throw an exception. If an exception is thrown when you log, presumably the message or exception will never get written and could potentially go entirely unnoticed, no matter how critical. Unfortunately, the out-of-the-box ILogger implementation—Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger—has no such exception handling, so if an exception does occur, the calling code would need to handle it—and do so every time Logger.LogX is called. A general approach to solving this is to possibly wrap Logger so as to catch the exception. However, you might want to implement your own versions of ILogger and ILoggerFactory (see bit.ly/1LYHq0Q for an example). Given that .NET Core is open source, you could even clone the class and purposely implement the exception handling in your very own LoggerFactory and ILogger implementations.

Wrapping Up

I started out by asking, “Why on Earth would we want yet another logging framework in .NET?” I hope by now this is clear. The new framework creates an abstraction layer or wrapper that enables you to use whichever logging framework you want as a provider. This ensures you have the maximum flexibility in your work as a developer. Furthermore, even though it’s only available with .NET Core, referencing .NET Core NuGet packages like Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for a standard Visual Studio .NET 4.6 project is no problem.