:::: MENU ::::

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When writing my unit tests I don’t like to use hard coded fixed values because I either end up using the same values or, because of that, tests may succeed by coincidence.

Over time, I have developed an helper class to generate random values for testing.

namespace PauloMorgado.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
    public static class RandomGenerator
        public static bool Boolean();
        public static string String();
        public static string String(string prefix);
        public static short Int8();
        public static short Int8(short maxValue);
        public static short Int8(short minValue, short maxValue);
        public static short Int16();
        public static short Int16(short maxValue);
        public static short Int16(short minValue, short maxValue);
        public static int Int32();
        public static int Int32(int maxValue);
        public static int Int32(int minValue, int maxValue);
        public static TEnum Enum<TEnum>();
        public static TEnum EnumFlagsWith<TEnum>(TEnum flagsToAdd);
        public static TEnum EnumFlagsWithout<TEnum>(TEnum flagsToRemove);
        public static TEnum Enum<TEnum>(int maxValue);
        public static TEnum Enum<TEnum>(int minValue, int maxValue);
        public static System.Guid Guid();

This is something that I would like to find on mock frameworks (like Typemock Isolator, Rhino.Mocks or MoQ).

It’s still a work in progress, but if you want to try it, it’s on my MSDN Code Gallery: Random Generator For Unit Testing

