:::: MENU ::::

Monday, May 12, 2008

How to spoon a thread on the Page_Load so you don't have to wait for the page load rendering controls.

Note: This is not for any control, this is for things like writing to a Log file or to a database. You won't be able to do anything where you need the server context.

Add the code on the Page_Load to fire the method LogSomething in the background:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)


            MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(LogSomething);






define the internal class with the delegate information:

class Info


            internal Info(Delegate d, object[] args)


                Tar = d;

                Args = args;



            internal readonly Delegate Tar;

            internal readonly object[] Args;



private static WaitCallback dynamicInvokeShim = new WaitCallback(DynamicInvokeShim);


        public static void MyFireAndForget(Delegate d, params object[] args)


            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(dynamicInvokeShim, new Info(d, args));



        static void DynamicInvokeShim(object o)




                Info ti = (Info)o;



            catch (Exception ex)


                // Only use Trace as is Thread safe




